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Earlier this week, we talked about how STUPID IDEAS can become GREAT IDEAS…. You can read that here…

But that’s not going to happen if you don’t throw your ideas out on to the table. Yeah, you might get made fun. People may think its a dumb idea… And hey, they may even be right. But I can guarantee you one thing… The less bad ideas you have, the less good and great ideas you will create. Now, being an idea person isn’t all shock and awe…

One of the hardest things about being an IDEA MAN or WOMAN is getting rejected!

The most valuable trait a team member can have is to not get offended easily (I could do a whole post on that!). If you have an idea you think is amazing and it gets shot down, ripped to shreds, debunked, or worse, not even considered… Brush it off… The sum of your value is not found in that one idea. You will have a million more of them, but if you stop sharing them because of a few bad experiences, you will limit both yourself and the team you’re a part of. And that my friend, would be a shame.

A few more warnings… As you grow to become the kind of person who has a million ideas, remember to keep them short and sweet when you present them. Even great ideas begin to look like bad ideas if the listeners are sick of hearing you talk… Again, don’t get offended if you get cut off because you are talking too long or because its a bad idea! Also, make sure to not argue your ideas to death. This is a tough one for me. If you don’t master the art of when to give up, people think you’re aggressive and prideful.

Lastly, make sure to only give ideas when they are asked for or you know you have the permission to give them. If you don’t learn to contain your ideas, you’ll be labeled a know-it-all. Remember, wisdom is a well, not a spring… It must be drawn from; not spewed out on everyone!

Next week we’ll talk about the importance of creating this kind of culture….

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